Published on Tuesday, 24 November 2009

Let's face it. We are faced with so many cleaning brands and solutions in the market that we end up buying more than what we need. Worse, we even spend a greater portion of our weekly, or even monthly, budget in expensive cleaning supplies than in what we are willing to shell out in food and other more important commodities.
Whilst cleanliness is, indeed, next to godliness, home improvement experts believe that maintaining a clean abode doesn't really have to be expensive. In fact, homemade solutions are just great in terms of performance as these expensive cleaning solutions.
We have here listed some of your cleaning supplies and their best and cheap homemade alternative cleaning solutions.
Our Cleaning Expenditure
From disinfectants to carpet spot cleaners, branded home cleaning solutions are one of the heaviest contenders competing for our monthly budget. Take a good look at what you spend on whenever you go to the market and splurge on some home cleaning brands,
Carpet Shampoo
Preventing and eliminating foul odours to stick to your carpet, a mandatory and weekly shampooing regiment is important. Together with spot cleaners, carpet shampoo is one of the most common and staple solutions that most households are willing to spend on to care for their carpets.
Our leading and favourite carpet shampooers include Hagesan, 1001 Carpet Shampoo, Carpet Shampoo Exclusively for Bissell, Kirby Dry Foam, and All Shine. These are but some of the best and leading carpet solutions that we could purchase in the market. And, to top it all up, each of these cleaning solutions would have different varieties, each claiming to be a specialist in one area over the other. If you are trying to cling on your budget, then, we suggest reviewing your expenditure for branded carpet shampoos. Do you know that you spend at least ?‚??7.35 for 355 ml can of spray foam cleaner?
Spot Cleaners
Spot cleaners are just the perfect solution if you want to remove stubborn and unsightly spot stains without having to clean the whole carpet area.
Though these products could be really tough in removing carpet stains, consumers are advised to check on the label of these products as some contain harmful chemical solvents and other compounds such as formaldehyde, pesticides, acids, and lye.
Homemade Cleaning Solutions
Some experts believe that natural is still the best - even with cleaning. Whilst you spend a substantial amount of cash in buying expensive chemical solutions to clean your home, home improvement experts say that homemade solutions could perform the same (or, even outperform) as these expensive cleaning supplies.
So here are some easy-to-do and natural homemade cleaning solutions that needs inexpensive ingredients that you could purchase cheap from your friendly neighborhood store,
Homemade Carpet Shampoos
Some of the most important and effective ingredients of carpet shampoos is club soda, liquid soap, corn starch, and vinegar. Whilst your solution primarily depends on the type of stain, most experts say that club soda and non-bleach type of laundry soap work most of the time.
Carpet Spot Cleaner Recipe
The beauty about this recipe is its simplicity and effectiveness. One of our staff recommends this carpet spot cleaner recipe that had been passed on by his mom. As old-fashioned as it may seem, he says that the recipe just works all the time. 
All you need are,
Warm cup of water
2 to 3 tablespoons of your kitchen baking soda
?‚?? cup of vinegar
Just mix the solution in a large bowl and you're all set to use it to remove that stubborn carpet spot.
Rinse the spot with warm water.